We’re made quite a few new little people friends since we’ve been in Louisville. Our church typically has upwards of fifteen pregnant couples at a time, and that might be a conservative guess. Here are some of our friends we made during the winter:

We also got to celebrate Sarah's birthday. A mere twenty-four years ago, she was the first baby born in Spokane, WA. Happy b-day Sarah! Glad you're alive!
Yup, that's me and my first loaf of bread. That I made. OK so it was with a breadmaker but I dumped all the stuff in, didn't I? So what if sometime I get the yeast/water/flour proportions a little off and it sinks in the middle? (When that happens, we call it bunny bread because when you slice it, it looks like the bread has ears like a bunny.) Kevin has awarded me exponential domesticity points because of my new found hobby. And you'll be pleased to know, dear mother-in-law, that I haven't purchased a loaf of bread from the grocery store since the breadmaker made its debut in my kitchen. If any of you remember my Blog post from last year expressing my disdain for Martha Stewart, I think I'm over that now because I'm pretty sure she & I are on an equal playing field now.
Merry Christmas from Apartment 422!
Then back home to real life (and real cold!)