Beans Peek!

Beans would like to thank all who have helped her in her quest toward this life accomplishment:
Those who take her for a walk three times a day, even if it means waiting by the door while keys, shoes, and other such essentials are collected... (ok so realistically it ends up being two times a day and not three but who's counting?)...
those who wipe her little paws upon coming home from said walks because it's so stinkin' dirty outside...
those who continually refer to her as the "foreign dog" and ask whether she understands both English & Chinese, only to be disappointed to find out that she really doesn't respond to either...
those who buy her pink Argyle sweaters with rhinestones and mail them across the ocean for Christmas...
those who let her run free to swim through the slimy, nasty creek that runs through the apartment complex in order to encourage her dreams of identifying with Michael Phelps and David Hasselhoff...
those who put up with her excitement-induced incontinence...
to the neighborhood dogs on the block that have all been given nicknames: Stroke Puppy, Curly, Carl, and Apple...
to all the little people in the world, this little dog gives her thanks.
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