There are a few ostensibly indisputable facts of life: taxes every April, death...well, when you die, and baby showers when you're pregnant.
Here's where the dispute comes in though: what if you're not pregnant but still have two on the way? And what if you live in another country? This complicates things.
But thanks to the utter creativity and planning ingenuity of my rockin' sis-in-law Sarah, thus was born the iShower.

She gathered some of my favorite people from our old Kentucky home to get together. They even braved a snow storm to come and hear about our adoption, encourage me, and pray for me. Oh the wonders of the internet!
What's a baby shower without STUFF? But how does said stuff make it from Point A to Point B? The internet does some amazing things, but I don't think teleporting is one of them (yet).
Here's a new word for you that is a common vernacular in the ex-pat life: pack mule. I've used it before, but I'll go ahead and give you a "technical" definition.
Pack Mule: a person who is coming to visit who is willing to carry a large quantity of things that have nothing to do with them or their own personal travels.
So thanks to our dear pack mule friend, an entire Contico trunk of STUFF was delivered to my iShower. This was especially a blessing because there are a lot of things I can't easily buy here. I mean, I suppose I could dress our boys in split-bottom pants and shoes with squeakers on the bottoms, but that's not really my style.
So to everyone who helped make this iShower possible, a hugs, kisses, and a great big round of applause from me to you! 谢谢!
once you've been the recipient of tons of stuff, it's even more fun to bring it for someone else!
so happy for all that lies ahead. Summer, hurry up already! =)
What a wonderful sister-in-law you have! So much fun to have baby stuff to play with before you get the babies. Enjoy the anticipation.
Such a joy to organize and participate in dear SIL. Can't wait to see your boys stateside in the not too distant future...and squeaky shoes are hip here, like $20/pair, so maybe you should bring me some when you come visit :).
What a GREAT idea and I imagine a huge blessing!!!
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