My mom brought a few Hawaii tourism books with her so we could maximize our tourist time. We decided that we wanted to take a trip to the north side of the island, which is known for its tall waves and roadside shrimp trucks. We used her book to pick out a beach the day before, and the next morning, all piled into the car, prepared for a long drive to the north shore. Twenty minutes later, we were there. That was our first clue that perhaps we weren't at the north shore.
A certain member of my family (who shall remain nameless) had read the charts in the book wrong and had in fact chosen a beach for us located on a completely different side of the island. No matter, though, since it ended up being one of the best beaches and best days we had.
There weren't really many dramatic or funny stories from the day. Just us hanging out on the beach. So rather than bore you with silly captions, I'll just let the pictures convey our day.
Like I mentioned before, our boys are obsessed with the water. So much so that if we took them away from the waves for even a moment, it resulted in major crisis. But it's hard work keeping two babies from drowning themselves in the ocean, hard work that we were not willing to exert for the entire day. So Kevin, being the amazing father that he is, decided to build them their own swimming pools. Dig a hole, insert floatie, fill with water, insert child...hours of fun.

My brother & Kevin spent a decent amount of time building a pretty impressive sand castle. When they were done, Kevin gave Micah "How to Destroy a Sand Castle" lessons. Then we let him loose. Fun times were had by all.
And that's the story of our "North Shore" beach day. Not quite the famed North Shore but who really wants 8 foot waves when you can teach a two-year old how to obliterate sand castles?
the blue water is amazing. I say you scored pretty big with your mix-up and didn't have to drive near as far! LOVE the obliterating the sand castle pictures!
Hoolarious. However did you get those sandy babies back to clean?!
The beach was called Kailua Beach on the Windward side of Oahu. But do not despair dear reader, we made it to the North Shore and shrimp truck before the vacation was over. Sarah, it took several days to get all the sand off those sweet babies. Didn't they look sugar coated?
I think Micah needs a fist bump.
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