Monday, January 12, 2009

We're home!

This is the tale of two vagabonds who ventured across the big, blue ocean...

We woke up at 4:30 on Monday morning in order to catch our 7 AM flight. We had managed to pack our entire life into four suitcases, two backpacks, two duffle bags, and a guitar case. It was so hectic lugging all of our bags into the airport that the goodbyes with my parents were actually much easier than expected. Surprisingly, the Austin airport much more crowded than we anticipated it, but thankfully we were able to check our bags (with no extra cost!) and make it through security just in time. In fact, they were already boarding the plane when we showed up, so we didn't have to wait.

We took a four hour flight to San Francisco, and then prepared for the whopper of a flight: 12 hours across the ocean! Kevin had an aisle seat, and my seat was next to a wee infant. Recipe for misery you might think but this little guy was actually very well behaved. It turned out in my favor because I could shove all of my stuff in his foot space. He certainly wasn't using it!

We finally arrived in the capital and had a three hour layover before our flight to our city. Both our luggage and our American friends met us at there. We were greeted with cheers, hugs, and the cold! I knew it was going to be cold but the 80 degree weather in Austin before we left just didn't properly prepare me.

We went to visit our new apartment. After months of being vagabonds, we have a home. I'm overwhelmed at the provision here! Our place is bigger & nicer than our apartment in Louisville for sure. Our friends had arranged some renovations already, including a full-size oven!

The apartment does pose some decorating challenges though. Exhibit A:

What am I even supposed to do with this?!?!

We spent our first night in our new home. The next day, we went to the paint store to arrange for further renovations & painting. I do not make decorating decisions very well, especially under pressure, so this proved to be somewhat of a trial for me. But I did it, the painting is underway even at this moment. The interesting thing about our paint job is that the painters are living at our house while they work. Strange.

This past weekend, we took a three-hour train to the capital city to receive teacher training for our English classes that will begin in mid-February. While we were there, I had Subway for three meals. It's just a difficult reality when the nearest Subway is three hours away! We also did some furniture shopping at Ikea. I suppose I should be fair and say we didn't just do some shopping...we did seven hours of furniture shopping! My dear, sweet, patient husband! The good news is that we have bedroom furniture. The bad news (or maybe more good news if you like furniture shopping...and going back to the capital for more Subway!) is that we'll have to go back to finish up shopping.

For the rest of the week, we're staying at our friends Brad & Amy's apartment while they are on vacation. Speaking of vacation, we are leaving for a much warmer place on Sunday for our own vacation!

So that's what's going on for now! Thanks for reading & following us on this big adventure.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know you arrived safe and sound! We're thinking of you as you transition to your new home.
Annie M

Jamie Butts said...

It is interesting that the painters are at your house... and that wall. I'm not good at decorating decisions either, but I'm sure you'll do great. I can't wait to see how you decorate.
I miss ya'll already. We are lifting you up!! Keep letting us know how! Hug each other for me.

Anonymous said...
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Justin said...

Hooray for Ikea and the beginning of many cultural quirks like painters living at your home while they work!
So we watched P&P on Saturday, and I defintely was thinking about you! Much love to you Mrs. Peek!


Unknown said...

I'm glad that you are there safe and sound!

Kristie said...

So glad you (and your luggage) arrived safely! Can't wait to hear more! :)

Beth said...

Oh Becky, that really does pose some decorating challenges. I have no idea what you should do with that. I am relieved to hear you have a home. Hooray for Ikea!!!

Ashley said...

PTL you're their safely and with all your things! Welcome home!!

Now, as to that wall, are those cut outs on the edge? Maybe you can put small candles or small picture frames or plants or trinkets on every other shelf. Just don't light the candles. :)

And I'm assuming you're painting that blue wall, but if you don't, maybe you can hang shelves or pictures strategically to accent or cover it.

We love you Peeks!

Schuknechts said...

Wow! So much exciting stuff going on! We love you! We're "thinking" of you! Be sure to post an "after" photo of the paint job! I hope the painters are good house guests!



becky marshall said...

Your blue wall looks like a giant lego or k'nex block. Interesting. So send before and after pics.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you post an "after" picture once you decorate that blue wall. --James