Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Final Chill Day

Today we say goodbye to the wide open, lazy day we know as Sunday.  I worked really hard all day Saturday to ensure us a somewhat laid back day today.

I packed and organized and packed some more.

The entire family got involved in the packing process.

Until finally...we're ready to go!

Our final Chill Day was unfortunately what we call a "white sky" day today so we stayed in and just enjoyed our final day of just the two of us.

We attempted to sleep in but the sun rising at 4:30 AM doesn't really aid one's efforts to do that.

We had a special breakfast of biscuits & homemade strawberry jelly. (OK well Kevin had a special breakfast of biscuits & homemade strawberry jelly.  I stuck with my old faithful oatmeal.  Because when so many things are changing in life, I figure at least one thing should be the same.  And why not make it your breakfast?)

We took our time lingering in the Word of God in the morning without interruption.

Kevin took a nap before noon without interruption.

We watched a movie while we ate lunch without interruption.

We chatted with each other without interruption.

We skyped with family without interruption.

I worked out without interruption.  

Because I know that in a few days, lazy mornings will cease.  Interruptions will be upon us.  But I am entirely convinced that it will be worth it for these two.

As I stand before the precipice of motherhood, I was really encouraged by what I read in Philippians this morning.  Sure, I've read this passage a thousand and one times but with the reality that motherhood is a call to sacrifice & service on my mind a lot recently, these words really intersected with that has been going on in my heart:

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Philippians 2:3-8

Because the immediate context to me for the word "rivalry" mostly exists within the Big 12, I looked it up in the dictionary to get a broader perspective.  Rivalry is competition for the same objective or superiority.  Will my own agenda and desire for an uninterrupted day including time reading my Bible, a good, sweaty workout and a shower, and an adult conversation with my husband compete for superiority over my boys' needs?  Or will I see the honor of caring for them as they've never been cared for before as impetus to put their needs before my own?  Even better yet, will I set Christ's example of love & service ever before me so I can serve them without receiving an ounce of gratitude yet still feel satisfied in the King's pleasure of me?

So these are the things I'm thinking about as we set off on a great adventure tomorrow to multiply our family.  These are the things I'm praying that God would add to my heart as we add our Micah & Sami to our family for good. 


Will and Vanessa said...

Tomorrow is going to be SUCH a special day! Your heart is going to explode for those boys! I can't wait to read your posts following the pick up. I love your boys and their smiles- everything. They are just perfect.

The Foster Family said...

Yes, uninterrupted times are a distant memory, but it is oh so worth it!

Praying for you guys!! For all the transition stuff and travel mercies and grace and grace and more grace to cover everything else!!

David Pope said...

Everything you thought you ever knew about parenting will be testing, but you will be victorious in Christ ... and when it seems like you're not, He will give you abundant grace!


Susan/Mama said...

Sweetie, the interesting thing about sacrificing for you kids is that it hardly feels like a sacrifice. I'm sure it was designed that way. Just be sure to take care of yourself, so that you can take care of them. Love you.