Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hackneyed Excuses Realized

Not that I've ever really given this paltry excuse in my entire educational life but I can attest that it can actually happen...

My dog ate my homework.

During our tutoring sessions, Kevin & I keep journals of all the new words we're learning. It's like our personal dictionary. Very useful & rather time consuming to maintain. Well, one day, Beans decided she wanted to have her fill of vocab, so she snatched my notebook up, ran under the bed (where all her naughty schemes take place), and before I could track her down, the last week worth of class notes had been reduced to shreds. Thankfully, Kevin keeps an identical notebook so I was able to recover all my lost information.

Puppy for sale...any one? International shipping fee included.

On second thought, maybe I'll keep her. I am rather attached to this little sausage dog.


Anonymous said...

Hey I've been lazy in my blog reading lately but I have some down time at work so I figured I would catch up on whatever is up to. Let me just tell you that I have been laughing out loud, by myself, in my office for the past 10 minutes...sorry to hear about your allusive sweater. You have such a wonderful sense of blogs are always so serious :-) I hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for making us smile!

Ashley said...


The Young Family said...

Our dogs decided to become educated today as well. they were picked up by the pound at the High School!

Schuknechts said...

That's so awesome! I can understand doggies being destructive, although I've never had one eat my homework...just walls, etc.

Susan/Mama said...

Loved the Becky and Beans photo.