Monday, November 05, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch That Wasn't

A pumpkin patch was the last item on my agenda of fall fun.   I even scoped out a church that friends told me had a great group of gourds.  But, being the procrastinator that I am, it took me all of October to actually pull it off. Surely, I figured, the pumpkins will still be there on Halloween.  But, alas, I was wrong.  All the pumpkins had found new homes.

I suppose I should say "most"of the pumpkins had found new homes.  There was one giant one perched atop a scarecrow's head.  Micah, of course, wouldn't go anywhere near it.  After his obvious dislike of all things giant with the Chick-fil-a cows and Elmo, why do I even try anymore?  That is why you will see no pictures of my eldest son next to the pumpkin-headed scarecrow.

There were also a few dozen baby pumpkins lining the steps of the church building.  I figured I'd do my best to make my own pumpkin patch for the kiddos.  The kids who attend school at that church, however, weren't too keen on that idea.  "The babies are stealing the pumpkins!" they shrieked as the passed by.  No stealing.  I promise.  Just trying to make the most out of this failed outing.  

While running around the church grounds, Sam managed to make his way into the preschool's chapel.  I guess he found their songs more entertaining that the pathetic pumpkins outside--he's been singing "This Little Light of Mine" ever since.

Being a baby himself, Hudson did much better with the baby pumpkins.  Maybe they could relate to one another better.  He didn't mind the lame pumpkins and even cooperated for a while so I could get a few pictures that made the whole morning worthwhile.


But then the cooperation stopped, and we moved on.

Where we moved on should certainly be a time-honored American Halloween tradition--$.50 corn dogs at Sonic!  This is the first time the boys had had anything like that, and I'm pretty sure they liked it.

They were also pretty thrilled at the fact that they were each given helium balloons.   Until Sam let go of his and he kept asking Daddy to get it back for him.  Not gonna happen, buddy.  Not even Daddy is that tall.

Hudson didn't care much about the corn dogs or the balloons, but he was (as always) just happy to be along for the ride.  

I really do promise that this is the last of my Halloween posts.  I'm even cooking up some adoption thoughts in response to the adoption series our church just finished.  Some deeper thinking will be good for me!


Leah said...

you are hilarious becky. blog is so entertaining always.

Susan/mama/G said...

Poor little Hudson, she snaps a picture when he's done with this exercise. She's a photographer before she's a mom. Of course, he wasn't hurting, just tired of it all.

Brandon and April said...

Pumpkins and babies are so wonderful together! Love seeing your little ones next to little orange gourds!